2023 World Happiness Report & International Day of Happiness

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March 20 is the United Nations (UN) International Day of Happiness! The UN has celebrated the International Day of Happiness since 2013 and encourages everyone around the world to join in the celebration annually! In addition, the 2023 World Happiness Report was released on March 20, 2023, which includes the Country Ranking of Happiness.

2023 World Happiness Report

To compile the report, people around the world were asked to evaluate their life and happiness. There were 137 countries in the 2023 rankings. For further details, here is the full 2023 report.

A summary of some of the factors and findings include:

  • Finland is the happiest country in the world for the sixth year in a row.  Denmark ranked 2nd and Iceland 3rd in 2023 rankings.
  • Canada ranked 13th (ranked 15th in 2022) and the United States ranked 15th (ranked 16th in 2022).  Lebanon (136th) and Afghanistan (137th) were at the bottom, ranked as the unhappiest countries in the world.
  • People were asked to assess their happiness and life based on factors including GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom, generosity, and corruption.
  • The 2023 country rankings were based on a three-year average, based on responses from 2020, 2021, and 2022.

According to the World Happiness Report 2023, the top 10 Country Rankings are listed below – ranking of happiness is based on a three-year average 2020-2022 (please refer to the full report for further details):

  1. Finland
  2. Denmark
  3. Iceland
  4. Israel
  5. Netherlands
  6. Sweden
  7. Norway
  8. Switzerland
  9. Luxembourg
  10. New Zealand

Nurture Happiness Today hopes you had a wonderful International Day of Happiness and continue to the nurture happiness within and around you!

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