Ten “Happy Experiences” To Try

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Sometimes we just want to try a different or new experience to lift our spirits and mood! Nurture Happiness Today shares ten ideas and experiences to try or just treat yourself to.

The list below includes simple ideas, some will obviously not be new, and some you may not have thought of trying before! Sometimes, we just need ideas, reminders, or even just a nudge once in a while! Be sure to also check out our article on easy and often free ways to nurture happiness as well.

As always, our content and this article is informational only, not facts, and cannot be construed as professional advice. Of course, always educate yourself and be informed of any safety concerns, and consult a professional on your personal choices, concerns, and well-being!

  1. Fresh Flowers

Having fresh flowers in my home always brightens my mood! Flowers can simply be picked from your backyard or you can purchase some sunflowers from the corner store. Having beautiful flowers, some yet to bloom, always brings a smile!

Fresh, pink flowers in a glass vase.
Fresh flowers – Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today

2. Massage/Spa

A massage is certainly a treat we all love! Fortunately, some companies cover (some of) the cost of a registered massage visit. Therefore, be sure to check and confirm your company’s annual health benefits and policies regarding (registered) massages and other health services. We all need some relaxation and “me time”…

Beachfront spa in Turks and Caicos.
Beachfront spa in Turks and Caicos – Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today

3. Food

Food is a passion! And sometimes we just need a bit of indulgence or a great meal to bring joy to our day. Whether getting an ice cream cone from your local creamery, indulging in one macaroon, or trying the new restaurant down the street, sharing a meal and indulging in great food, is certainly a joy for many of us…

Gelato from Gelatoteca Suso, Venice, Italy – Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today

4. Salt Cave

Although visiting a salt cave is a more well known experience in Europe, salt caves are becoming more known and available in North America. Whether you are visiting a salt cave for relaxation, the reported health benefits, or just a new experience to try, it is an experience for the senses that you may enjoy.

Salt cave that has chairs and salt lamps.
Salt cave – Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today

5. Winery

“Good company, good wine, good welcome, can make good people” – William Shakespeare, “Henry VIII”.

We personally visit wineries every year, whether locally or on international vacations. We find it really enjoyable to partake in the various wine tours, food and restaurants, and of course taste the various wines! There are many different wineries to explore, from smaller boutique shops, to the larger, more well-known wineries and brands. Therefore, if you like wine, or just want a new experience to try, visiting a winery may turn out to be a lovely day spent.

White wine and oysters on a picnic table beside a vineyard.
A Niagara-on-the-Lake Winery – Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today

We share our post here on Quotes About Wine from Shakespeare!

6. Afternoon Tea

The happiness that afternoon tea brings is evident as the tradition is no longer just enjoyed by the British. An afternoon of tea, scones, sandwiches and desserts can be experienced in many cities and countries now. Although afternoon tea can be a relatively pricey experience, it is a delightful way to celebrate or just enjoy a lovely afternoon with a friend.

Afternoon tea setting of beautiful tea pots, scones and treats.
Afternoon Tea in Toronto – Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today

7. Explore Art

I really enjoy art in all it’s various forms! Whether the art experience involves watching live musicians or spending the day at a museum, exploring art is truly a joy in life. Therefore, take a look at what is available in your city and you may just find a new experience to try and explore!

Also, enjoying art does not have to cost money if you explore what is available around you and when travelling internationally. There are often free exhibits and events open to the public. For example, Nuit Blanche is a free annual, all-night, celebration of (contemporary) art hosted in various global cities. And I have never been to as many art galleries in one city than during my week-long trip to London, England, where there are so many art galleries, large and small, that are completely free to visit. Have fun and explore!

Large outdoor art exhibit on the street from Nuit Blanche Toronto with many people.
Outdoor exhibit on Yonge Street at 2022 Nuit Blanche Toronto – Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today

8. Outdoor Walk/Hike

Sometimes an outdoor walk for exercise or fresh air to clear your mind, is just what is needed. Fortunately, on our travels, we have also had the opportunity to take adventurous outdoor walks and hikes. These often breath-taking walks introduce varieties of nature and wildlife that we typically cannot see. Therefore, whether it is a leisurely stroll to the neighbourhood park or a hike through rainforests, taking a walk and surrounding yourself with nature maybe just the invigoration you need…

Tourists on an excusion exploring nature in Moorea, French Polynesia.
Excursion in Moorea, French Polynesia – Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today

9. Outdoor Meal

Having a beverage or eating a meal “al fresco” on a warm, sunny day, always brings me happiness! Although it is not a new experience to try, it could be just what you need to boost your mood today! A lovely picnic in a park, eating on a patio, or simply eating outside in your backyard, can be a wonderful simple pleasure on a sunny day. So gather some loved ones and share a meal outside and enjoy!

Wine and charcuterie board at a waterfront restaurant patio outside.
Restaurant patio in Prince Edward County, Ontario – Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today

10. Outdoor Activity or Sport

You may have thought about, and wanted to try, a new outdoor activity or sport! I’ve often pushed myself out of my “comfort zone” to try new experiences and adventures. Although it can be scary, it has more often than not, been exciting. Surprisingly, it can also result in a feeling of personal accomplishment! Outdoor activities I have tried over the years include jogging, roller blading, and kayaking.

Lastly, of course, depending on the activity, educate yourself on the activity, safety concerns, lessons, and guidance from a professional, which may be required and necessary. You may surprise yourself and find a new activity or a hobby that interests you!

Front of a green kayak on a lake in Niagara-on-the-lake, Ontario, Canada.
Kayaking in Niagara, Ontario – Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today

We hope exploring new experiences to try will help you discover new joys in life or just brings a much needed smile to your day! Wishing you happiness and enjoyable new adventures…

The views and opinions expressed through this website are the blogger’s own from personal experience(s). Our content and this article is informational only, not facts, and cannot be construed as professional advice. We always give our honest opinions on topics, experiences or products, made in good faith. Any product or service claims, made by the product or service, should be verified with the manufacturer or provider in question. There may be potential errors on our website, for example due to changes and unintentional mistakes. Thank you.

For more articles, be sure to take a look at Nurture Happiness Today‘s features on travel, food, and inspiration for happiness: