10 Easy Ways to Nurture Happiness in Everyday Life

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We all want to be happier in life. And taking steps to improve your happiness does not have to cost a lot of money. Nonetheless, choosing to have a positive outlook on life and taking steps to be happier will always take some effort. As such, we share ten easy ways to nurture happiness in your everyday life.

1. Listen to Music

Many of us already know that simply listening to music can almost instantly boost your mood. Therefore, it is not surprising that numerous studies have demonstrated that listening to music can improve your health, happiness, and well-being.

2. Exercise

Exercise does not have to mean investing in an expensive gym membership or trainer. To get some exercise, there are free workouts available to watch on YouTube from beginner to advanced or simply start walking outside. Even better, go outside for physical activity. Exercise outdoors like a bike ride, running, or a hike, is great for fresh air and enjoying the beauty of nature.

Hike in Algonquin, Ontario – Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today

According to a Harvard Medical School Special Health Report “Walking for Health”, it does not require a lot of time to get the benefits of exercise. One of the recommendations is the simple activity of walking.  The report indicates “walking for 2.5 hours a week—that’s just 21 minutes a day—can cut your risk of heart disease by 30%.”

According to Canada’s Food Guide on Physical Activity and Healthy Eating, children should get at least 60 minutes per day, and adults should get at least 150 minutes per day of exercise.

Furthermore, in Breast Cancer & Your Risk” reported by the Public Health Agency of Canada, “Increased physical activity is associated with a 25-30% decrease in breast cancer risk and helps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.”

Making time to exercise regularly has both short-term and long-term benefits. The benefits can range from improving your mood to lowering your risk of disease. Therefore, make the time to exercise as it is time invested in your emotional and physical health.

3. Meditation

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years and studies have discussed the potential benefits to your mind, health, and well-being. There are several types of meditation such as mindfulness meditation, meditation involving movement such as tai chi or walking, and meditation that involves repeating words such as practiced in Hindu and Buddhist traditions. You may be interested in taking the time to examine the practice that meets your needs. In addition, there are various free apps that provide soothing sounds or guided mediation. Meditation may just be the new routine to nurture your well-being or simply help you fall asleep.

4. Read

Reading can educate, heal, provide an adventure, and can help improve our well-being and outlook. Whether you start reading a new book or only have time for a quick read like an article or several quotes, reading can help lift your mood, knowledge, and attitude.

5. Inspirational Speeches

Watching inspirational speeches can be really uplifting and impactful as you can see and often hear from the person directly. The messages can be very personal, heartfelt, and passionate. Watching speeches can be a very moving way to inspire you.

There are all types of positive and motivational speeches that you can find on the internet. Sources like Ted Talks and YouTube are invaluable resources for watching speeches. Speeches can range from a few minutes to very long, impactful speeches. Nurture Happiness Today also has posts of inspirational speeches from a variety of people that may help motivate you.

6. Journal

Various studies have reported that journaling can benefit physical and emotional health. Journaling about your feelings and what you are grateful for can be easy steps to start that can bring positive effects. Starting a journal can be as easy as using a simple blank notebook, to buying a published resource that is more structured or guided.

7. Watch a “Feel Good” Movie

Everyone has a movie that they love and have watched over and over. And of course, laughing has proven health benefits, so watching a comedy is always a great option to boost your mood!

8. Hugs

Meet up with family and friends and talk and share a hug! We often share hugs when we are happy, celebrating, or need comfort. Whatever the reason, hugs can bring happiness and really do make us feel good!

9. Help Others

As Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, said, “Happiness springs from doing good and helping others”.

Helping others and your community can be done in so many ways. A simple kind gesture, volunteering, or anonymously doing a good deed for someone are all commendable. Helping others shares kindness and positivity that is much needed. As Charles Dickens wrote: “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another” (Charles Dickens, “Our Mutual Friend”).

10. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Research and studies have reported that sleep affects our overall health and happiness. I think it is easy to remember how good it feels to wake up after sleeping in on a weekend and vacation day. The benefits of making it a conscious decision to try to get a good night’s sleep daily, or more regularly, are worth the effort and benefits.

According to the article “10 Reasons to Get More Sleep” on Healthline.com, “Lack of sleep is associated with many negative health effects, including increased risk of heart disease, depression, weight gain, inflammation, and sickness.”

In Canada, the Public Health Agency’s current recommendation is 7-9 hours of sleep per night for adults ages 18-64 and 7-8 hours of sleep per night for those aged 65 and older.

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For more articles, be sure to take a look at Nurture Happiness Today‘s features on travel, food, and inspiration for happiness:

Field of sunflowers – Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today