About Us

Welcome to our website and blog, Nurture Happiness Today!

Who we are:

Like many of you, we are passionate about travel and eating good food! We share what makes us happy and smile in this blog!

I finally share my love of travel, food, and inspirational quotes, in this personal blog that I have wanted to start for years!

I feel grateful and fortunate to have had many adventures in the past, and also continue to travel with my husband now! We are happily married and live in Toronto, Canada!

Also, reading inspiring quotes has always helped lift my spirits! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for inspiring short quotes that nurture happiness and positivity, with our own, real travel photos only!

We hope to spread happiness by inspiring you with positivity and sharing happy experiences that may also help you in your own vacations and lives! Happy travels!

Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today

*Disclaimer: Please note this is a blog that shares personal experiences, recommendations, and views. All information on the Nurture Happiness Today website is for informational purposes only and intended for adults over the age of 18 years old.

No content on this site should ever be used as a substitute for direct advice from a qualified professional e.g. medical, financial, legal, etc. Visitors to the website must exercise due diligence in their decisions and cannot hold Nurture Happiness Today liable for their decisions based on the views shared in this informational, personal blog. Please review the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimers that apply, and that you agree to by accessing and reading the content on this website.

Original Photography & Video

All photography and video on the website and related social media are original from our travels, owned by Nurture Happiness Today, unless otherwise attributed and noted. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized duplication or use of this material is strictly prohibited.

All our photographs and videos on our website and related social media cannot be used without our written consent and approval.

All of our Nurture Happiness Today original photographs and videos are protected under copyright law.

Please contact us if you have questions. Thank you.

We strive to provide the most accurate information at the time of writing, however unintentional errors may occur and/or subsequent updates may be required. Please contact us directly if there are any questions or concerns.

The contents on this website are meant to provide inspiration, promote positivity, and help nurture happiness! Enjoy and live life to the fullest with your loved ones!

Field of sunflowers
Field of sunflowers in Ontario – Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today