5 Wellness Gifts to Get for Yourself

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Nurture Happiness Today shares five wellness gifts to get for yourself. The “gifts” in our list are simple things that not only nurture happiness, but we note studies that indicate possible health benefits from incorporating them into your life.

As always, our content and this article is informational only, not facts, and cannot be construed as professional advice. Of course, always educate yourself and be informed of any safety concerns, and consult a professional on your personal wellness!


Plants not only improve our air quality, but adding houseplants to your home may also provide health benefits.  Seeing flowers and plants grow can make us feel happier and may help reduce stress levels, as “learning to nurture a living plant may help lower anxiety, improve attention, and lessen the severity of depression” as noted in the article “Health Benefits of Houseplants” on WebMD.  The article briefly lists twelve benefits that may encourage you to add houseplants to your home.

Additionally, if you have pets and children, be sure to choose indoor plant varieties that are safe.

Small house plant (jade) in a beige pot.
Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today

100% Pure Essential Oils

Essential oils not only smell good, but studies have reported that essential oils can positively affect your well-being by lifting your mood and helping to decrease stress.

The different oils have their own scents and different potential health benefits. For example, lavender is reported to decrease stress and peppermint can be used to boost energy. People can use essential oils in different ways such as with diffusers or applied to the skin in diluted form.

Choose safe, pure, and high-quality essential oils. Be sure to read the labels, composition, and instruction on proper use of essential oils.

Home-Use Wellness Gadgets

Frequent massages at the spa are not always possible and can be expensive. However, is it possible to buy some wellness gadgets and machines for home use to help improve or help relieve minor aches, pains, and sleep. Examples include massage guns, shiatsu massage machines for your neck or body, and there are also some relatively inexpensive aids such as acupressure rollers (e.g. for feet) that may be helpful.

Of course, such wellness gadgets are temporary aids and are not meant to replace professional advice and medical visits. Please refer to and see a professional to discuss if the wellness gadget may be suitable for you, if you have questions, or require attention.

wooden foot massage roller
Foot (acupressure) massager roller. Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today

A Good Book

Healthline’s article, “Benefits of Reading Books”, notes “reading books benefits both your physical and mental health, and those benefits can last a lifetime.” The article discusses several benefits of reading regularly among which include: strengthens the brain, prevents cognitive decline as you age, and lengthens lifespan.

stack of books
Image Source: Nurture Happiness Today

Whether it is a new best selling novel or a motivational and self-help book, you may want to grab a new book for yourself. Along with its health benefits, a good book may bring you the inspiration or new adventure you are looking for!

If you enjoy reading quotes, also take a look at quotes about reading here from Nurture Happiness Today that was compiled from a few classic works.

“Take some books and read; that’s an immense help; and books are always good company if you have the right sort.”

Louisa May Alcott, “Little Women”

Gratitude Journal

Numerous studies have reported that journaling can benefit physical and emotional health. Journaling about your feelings and what you are grateful for can be easy steps to start that can bring positive effects. It is a low-cost way to focus on the positive aspects of your life. You can certainly start by using a simple blank notebook, or there are published resources to buy that are more structured or guided.

The WebMD article “Mental Health Benefits of Journaling” discusses the positive effects of journaling, even physical healing benefits, even it is not done daily.

We hope you continue to take steps to nurture happiness and wellness in your life. In summary, the five wellness “gifts” that you may want to consider include:

  • Houseplants
  • 100% Pure Essential Oils
  • Home-Use Wellness Gadgets
  • A Good Book
  • Gratitude Journal

*This article and the content on this website is informational only and cannot be construed as professional advice. We simply share our personal opinions. Of course, your health and wellness advice can be given only after a personal consultation with a professional.


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